Thursday, June 27, 2019

Few of the Medical treatments for snoring

If you’ve tried some self-help solutions for your snoring problems without any success, there is no need for despair. There are many medical treatments that could make all the difference in the world. New advances of technology in the treatment of snoring are developing all the time and these devices are becoming ever more effective and comfortable.

Medical cures for snoring

Your otolaryngologist or physician may recommend a medical device or surgical procedure when you are undergoing a Snoring Treatment in Singapore or other major countries such as:

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP). To help keep your airway open when you sleep, a machine kept by your bedside continuously blows pressurized air into a mask that you wear over your nose or your face. For comparatively milder cases of sleep apnea, doctors might recommend certain lifestyle changes, such as losing weight or quitting tobacco. If you are having nasal allergies, it is recommended that you find good treatment for your allergies. Try looking for a good Sleep Apnea Treatment in Singapore or your country to feel the real difference.

If these treatments don't improve your symptoms or if your sleep apnea is moderate to severe, a number of other treatments are also available.

Certain devices can be used to open up a blocked airway. In other cases, surgery might be required.

• Laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty (LAUP): This uses a laser to shorten the uvula (the soft tissue at the back of the throat which is hanging) and also making smaller cuts in the soft palate on either sides. As these cuts heal, the tissues which surround the uvula, stiffen to prevent the vibrations that triggers snoring.

• Palatal implants: Also called the Pillar procedure, involves the insertion of small plastic implants into the soft palate which can help in preventing the collapse of the soft palate that can cause snoring.

• Somnoplasty: This procedure uses lower levels of radiofrequency heat to remove tissues of the uvula and soft palate that vibrate during snoring. The procedure takes about 30 minutes and is performed under local anaesthesia. 

Custom-fitted dental devices: Such custom fit devices and lower jaw-positioners help with keeping your airway open by bringing your lower jaw or your tongue forward when you are sleeping.